
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Letters to Juliet

Thanks to my thoughtful bestfriend who happened to load my laptop with crap load of movies iiv something to fill up my leisure time these days.I dont know its my sentiment hormones that’s been acting so active or the selection of movies she gave me,iv been crying over every goddamn movie*blurness*.

I know some may say“Letters to Juliet” is a soppy melodrama & I don't mind in the least.Its a tale of encountering new sparks and rekindling old flames of love.If you are the type who loves daydream fairytales like me,this movie just fits the bill.You may also learn a few or two Italian words.
If you find movies like this tacky & predictable well in that case my friend,I simply don't care.Sometimes we have personal reasons for responding to a film don’t we?

& this is the reply to the above letter that made claire travel from other side of the globe to come find her long gone love after
50 years!
how  beautiful is that :)


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