
Monday, May 18, 2015

FOOD: lazy girl's snack- POTATO CROQUTTES

I know for some of you it may seem inappropriate to see food post in crucial time like this when we still are getting aftershocks everyday & life still in tremor.But I guess its time we try switch out from the “quake mode”& start our lives normally don’t u think?And anyway if your one of those like my grandma who's still not ready to enter home despite how safe the house looks even after that MEGAEARTHQUAKE, this quick make and munch snack might just fill up your hungry tummy!

Today was just like the other days after the earthquake-still aftershocks and everyone too lazy to do anything.Literally it feels like the shake has shaked off the energy out of people,all you want is to sleep or just lie around in a safe place(well thats how i feel). Anyway we aint never too lazy to cook though,especially my mom.She just gets excited when it comes to cooking and whatever recipe you show her,she'l add her own personal touch & make extra tasty!lucky me i know,,but now u may have guessed where all the fat in my body comes from too haha

So getting back to how to make this absolutely easy,quick & deliiiiiicious potato croquttes:

Lets start :
all u need is boiled potatoes-mashed,breadcrumbs and that colourful mixture right there is chopped-onions,green chilles,spring onions & coriander
mix all the chopped items to the mashed potatoes 
add salt,chilli powder and black pepper to taste & mix well.
so,we have 3 steps here before the goodness hits the hot oil:
1.make small balls of the mix
2.coat them with egg wash(here i used 3 eggs)
3.roll them around in breadcrumbs
If you don’t have breadcrumbs,blend some beaten rice or suji and it will work the same as well.
drop the balls in very hot oil & fry until golden brown,if you overfry them,they might crumble to pieces,keep watch!
drain the excess oil & wola they are ready!

We made dipping sauce out of ketchup,little vinegar & chilli paste!
So here you go,easy & quick lazy girl's snack.ENJOY :)


  1. hey, love your blog! Mind checking out mine as well? :)

    1. thanks for stopping by & welcome to blogosphere! cheers :)

  2. Hmmmm... yummy!
    Thanks for sharing...

  3. Looks really yummy, will try it someday. Check out
    my new post!

