
Sunday, August 30, 2015

home away from HOME

My my,its been a while hasn’t it?So much happened since the last i wrote in this little corner of internet i can call mine.Its seems impossible to explain everything so i'l cut the tiny-miny details & make it short.So,I'm in USA right now.
It's been exactly a week that I've been here in US and it has been an amazing week for me.The weather here though sometimes gets on my nerves,the sun is mostly shining but the harsh wind takes all the fun & warmth.Being away from home,its the weirdest feeling.Last week i was in Nepal.This time Im typing this blog post in my new bed.An expensive 24 hour flight stands between us.Since the day i left home,Its been like a journey!Meeting new people,going places,shopping,eating more junk foods and more of the orientation stuffs.For someone like who has never been out for a night away from home,moving to a new country was a BIG move.I was merrily waving back at the people back home not knowing when I'd see them the next time.I was a little scared at first imagining all the unfamiliarity but after landing here with my new BIG family of friends,I never had the time to miss home.
Yes,I am enjoying it here but also at times I miss being home.It would have been so much better with my people in it.I was in a playfair yesterday playing games,dancing,having fun & unconsciously i was wishing my bestfriends to be there at that moment.I miss my ladies.I miss my granna.
Below are pictures that will let you guys know what i'v been upto since i came here.There are more to share & upload in coming days.Enjoy!

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