
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Alexander McQueen Gala's savage styles

Alexander McQueen has been one of my favourite designers ever since i got interested into this whole fashion thing.The thing that fascinates me the most about him is how he breaks the traditional mold of successful designer & creates unique couture designs.I am a covet for haute couture design(now u know my little secret)So you have preety much guessed why this all tickles my interest.If you are one of those like me,you must be well aware about the(Alexander McQueen:Savage Beauty Gala)touring  Europe & even if u havenot,dont worry my friend,,uv made a right choice stubbling here.Im documenting it in this little blog of mine.
The retrospective exhibit is first and largest to be presented in Europe paying homage to the most innovative designer of all times:Alexander McQueen.The exhibit includes his very early post graduate collection from 1992 to his final collection which hit the runway in february 2010,following his death.His designs have finally reached home.It was showcased in the London’s Victoria & Albert Museum on March 14 & will run till 2 August,2015.
The fashion world came out to fete the opening of Alexander McQueen:Savage Gala in London.And with a muster of friends and devout followers in attendance,this was one night of style.I couldnot resist admiring the butterfly-print chiffon gown worn by FKA twigs & plenty other from top models like Kate Moss to A-listers like Victoria Beckham,there were plenty of stars in epic outfits to behold.But who truly captured the savage beauty of McQueen?Anyway,here are those savage outfits i absolutely loved:

FKA twigs

Victoria Beckham in a cutout textured floral dress w/ her hubby David Beckham

Salma Hayek in McQueen's fall 2008 collection
A true fashion icon,Kate Moss in a jet-black embroidered-lace tulle dress from McQueen's pre-Fall 2015 collection.
Which savage beauty captured your eye?
To know more about the exhibition click here

Thursday, March 12, 2015

First Weeks Of Spring

Its been a while hasn’t it?The long chilly winter passed by & spring is here while my life’s still in the state of hibernation.Everyone around just seems to be happier though(maybe it’s the anticipation of summer or maybe everyone’s seasonal affective disorder is finally wearing off).But for whatsoever reason,I haven’t had the energy & motivation to blog lately.Iv been jailing myself in my room for last two months.If im going to be completely honest,iv only ventured outside my house just a few times mainly just to meet up with my bestfriends.I spend most of time jumping from one url to another,reading archives of my favourite bloggers,listening songs,watching the new episodes of ‘melisa & joe’ & other times running errands at home.
Last weekend I helped out  my old aunt with the gardening.And the highlight of the week was visting my old workplace.One of my closest friend(more like sister)who worked with me had come over to my place & after spending the half of the afternoon chatting & watching episodes of ‘sawadhan india’ we thought we make a sneak visit to our used-to-be-workplace & say hello to our fellow mates.Its funny how the same place I worked for a long time seemed like a new place with memories stitched beforehand.I had a very nostalgic feeling the whole time.A part of me missed working there while I also knew I have to move on & explore new things that are still ahead of me.We ended up hanging there the whole evening.
These are some photos i took last week while we were gardening at our terrace.Since our backyard is concretely cemented,we have to raise these babies up here.Let me tell u my old aunt is so obsessed about gardening.She looked like a little kid smiling at the new toys while she was unwrapping plastic sheets from the flower saps.

new pots!

my neighbour planted theirs just a week before.
from my terrace

Im getting good vibes about this spring and see im making progresses already(tiny ones).Like I came out of my cave & lounged around doing these stuffs.So here's to the spring arrival & hopefully more blogging in coming weeks.Lets take this as a excuse to start fresh & get motivated again to do the things that we kept putting off till “tomorrow”.Happy weekend ya'll.
ps. who’s excited about release of ‘fifty shades of grey’ in Nepal?haha im.